Are you Tired ofUploading Discount Codesone by oneon Squarespace?

Generate, Upload and Email thousands of Discount Codes on Squarespace in minutes with this new tool

Squarespace shop owner: You are tired of creating Discount Codes one by one. Uploading one by one. Then, emailing them one by one as well. What you thought would be a great marketing strategy ended up being a golden handcuff.

You thought you were creating an asset to financial freedom. But ended up having a job that feels more like a prison. So many holidays and seasons, it is impossible to keep up with sending all Discount Codes.

I get it. You like Squarespace for its usability, design, simplicity, and lack of costly add-ons. Also, you worked extra hard on this store. Pulled all nighters. Apologized to angry customers. Went the extra mile, and ended up in a boring and cumbersome process.

An activity that is so important to your store, but you can’t stand. Takes so long to create and upload all the codes. Finding the orders that used that code is like sifting through mud. Printing invoices for many clients that used a discount code feels like punishment. And then there’s marking all those orders as fulfilled. Backbreaking.

Going one by one, only to ask yourself “Did I mark the last one as fulfilled?” - the most frustrating experience ever. Not to mention human errors: you’re tired and end up marking the wrong order as fulfilled. Only to find days later that you made a mistake. And then, have a stressful call with an angry customer. Not something easy to deal with.

Is this the way to have repeat customers? No. Is this higher value work? Of course not! Do you have to be afraid of scaling your discount codes operation? Definitely not. Businesspeople do not live in fear.

If you:

Love Squarespace

Are tired of pulling all nighters to upload discount codes

Are feeling overwhelmed when dealing with discount codes

Had enough of angry customers calling asking for their products

Do not want to trawl individual orders

Hate human mistakes

Wish that you could automate all this

Then, we have the solution you need.Introducing Couponify.StoreHere’s what we’ll do to help you:

We will help you CREATE and UPLOAD thousands of UNIQUE discount codes in minutes. So you can avoid discount code abuse and tailor promotions to each customer

We will help you EMAIL the discount codes automatically - so you don’t have to.

We will allow you to SEARCH for all orders that used a discount code - or people who used that discount code

We will enable you to PRINT all invoices that used a specific discount code.

We will allow you to MARK AS FULFILLED all the orders that used a specific discount code.

We will help you SCHEDULE and EXPIRE discount codes

What exactly is Couponify.Store?

It is a software that automates the creation, upload, emailing and management of discount codes.

Why suffer with so much work when you could do something else? Something meaningful and fulfilling. Something that is high value and has lots of impact.

Start now with a 7 day free trial!